Technical Support Repair Center, Mechanical Help, Tracking Number, Repair Status. The warranty is held by tVac International in Florida. The product manufacturer is TPA Impex in Italy. Vac International Inc is also the importer, drop shipper and care center for these products. Vapor Rino or Just Renew it LLC does not hold the warranty for the items listed on this web site. Contact Vac International located in FL or TPA Impex (the factory) located in Italy for parts and service and for warranty related issues. They are your point of contact for parts, repair & service. |
International Sales: If you live outside the USA you can now order a VAPOR RINO® Restrictions and conditions apply. Please call our international sales line to learn more or write us here. |
Customer Service Get tracking numbers, Account information, Assistance getting a copy of an invoice, shipping information, request order status. |
Sales Department Product Information, Sales Quote, Stock Information, Pre-Sales Questions and Order Status |
Give Your Testimonial & Rate Experience Our customers are our eyes and ears. Give your product rating here by stars. Your testimonials and feedback give us valuable insight into the needs of our users. If you have a great story feel free to share it here. If you have had difficulty in an area we would also like to hear about it. |
Technical Support Repair Center, Mechanical Help, Tracking Number, Repair Status. The warranty is held by tVac International in Florida. The product manufacturer is TPA Impex in Italy. Vac International Inc is also the importer, drop shipper and care center for these products. Vapor Rino or Just Renew it LLC does not hold the warranty for the items listed on this web site. Contact Vac International located in FL or TPA Impex (the factory) located in Italy for parts and service and for warranty related issues. They are your point of contact for parts, repair & service. |
International Sales: If you live outside the USA you can now order a VAPOR RINO! Restrictions and conditions apply. Please call our international sales line to learn more or write us here. |
Main Sales Department Product Information, Sales Quote, Stock Information, Pre-Sales Questions and Order Status |
Technical Support Post Sale Help, Product Support. General Questions on operation and use. |
Give Your Testimonial & Rate Experience Our customers are our eyes and ears. Give your product rating here by stars. Your testimonials and feedback give us valuable insight into the needs of our users. If you have a great story feel free to share it here. If you have had difficulty in an area we would also like to hear about it. |
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